The goal of Black On Black is to get rid of those ugly reddish over-tones. We do not want to be dyeing a canines coat for dyes lie on the outside of the cuticle lens therefore dulling the coat in appearance and also rubbing off on your hands. Instead we are drabbing the black with green pigments. The reason you have reddish overtone on a black coated canine is that the blacker black hair is, the more red pigment is under the cuticle of the hair shaft. When the outer lens is bleached out by the sun or other elements then the red pigment is exposed. And, what drabs the color of red is green. Chris Christensen Systems Black On Black's diminutive molecular structure is like Black On Black being a golf ball versus a basketball, the molecular structure of Chris Christensen Systems treatments are so tiny that they can go under the cuticle lens and clean and deposit pigment without the use of harsh chemicals. We are neutralizing red through a combination of green pigments. By depositing the green pigments under the lens we are restoring the beautiful black you once had. And, also note that by depositing under the lens we are leaving a beautiful sheen, for the lens works like a piece of glass would, reflecting and intensifying the color under it.
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